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Election Day: First polls close in an hour

After a two year presidential campaign, it is finally time to vote.

Here in Sacramento, the outcome of the presidential race is hardly in doubt. Polls have shown Sen. Barack Obama with an overwhelming lead over Sen. John McCain in California, and among college students nationwide. But local races, like between Kevin Johnson and Heather Fargo, and controversial state ballot measures like Proposition 8, which would ban gay marriage, are much closer.

For those who haven't voted yet, information on Sacramento County polling places is available here. The Obama campaign also has an online tool where you can enter an address to determine the appropriate polling place. The polls close in California at 8 p.m.

The first polls in the East close at 3 p.m. Pacific time, and when that happens television networks will be able to color in the first states on the electoral map.

Unfortunately, most students have to go to class and can't watch CNN and continuously hit reload on news websites all day. But for those who can, the New York Times has a cool dashboard window that updates automatically throughout the evening as results come in. Readers who want to tally up states themselves can guess the possibilities on this interactive electoral map.

Tonight in the University Union Redwood Room, ASI and the Office of Governmental Affairs are hosting an election watch party from 4 to 10 p.m. Be sure to check tonight for campus coverage of the election.
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